PRESS RELEASES | 13/03/2019
Spring Statement 2019: sustainability must sit at the heart of the UK’s economic model

Reacting to the Spring Statement presented to Parliament today by the Chancellor Philip Hammond, Nick Molho, Executive Director of the Aldersgate Group said: “The Chancellor’s clear commitment to reaping the opportunities of our shift to a carbon neutral economy and improving our natural environment is very welcome. For too long, Chancellor’s speeches have been at odds with government commitments in these areas and businesses will welcome the signal that this is a genuine cross-government mission.
We look forward to seeing further details of the proposal to increase the proportion of green gas in the grid and the development of the Future Homes Standard. Cutting the carbon intensity of the gas grid and building new homes with low carbon heating and high energy efficiency standards are key low regret policies which will allow the government to learn by doing and avoid costly retrofits further down the line. In the same vein, the confirmation that government will mandate net gain for biodiversity will be welcomed by business and ensure new developments deliver much-needed improvements for the natural environment.”
Nick Molho added: “The announcement of a three-year spending review to be concluded at this year’s Budget will be a further opportunity for the Chancellor to put his money where his mouth is. The next twenty months are going to be crucial – both in the UK and globally – to increase ambition on climate action and tackle biodiversity decline. A spending review that supports the ongoing implementation of the Clean Growth Strategy and 25 Year Environment Plan will ensure the UK reinforces its leading role on these issues on the world stage.”