REPORTS & BRIEFINGS | 20/06/2012
Resilience in the Round: Seizing the growth opportunities of a circular economy
The transition to a circular economy presents opportunities for growth and competitive advantage in a resource constrained world.
Resources are finite and better stewardship of them will insulate the economy from commodity price shocks and security of supply issues.
The absolute decoupling of economic progress from resource constraints is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. It can be achieved through adopting a circular economy framework – designing the industrial and agricultural system to be restorative by intention.
This scoping paper develops outcomes from a workshop that the Aldersgate Group held with members and external stakeholders, hosted in collaboration with the foremost organisations that are working in this field. It does not reinvent the vision for a circular economy but seeks to promote the concept more widely and outlines further areas for exploration to maximise the opportunity for growth and competitive advantage in a resource constrained world.