PRESS RELEASES | 07/03/2019
Offshore wind sector deal shows low carbon transition is a huge industrial opportunity for the UK
Reacting to the new Offshore Wind Sector Deal published today, Nick Molho, Executive Director at the Aldersgate Group, said: “We welcome the release today of the Offshore Wind Sector Deal, especially its commitment to boost the supply chain and ensure job opportunities are spread across the country, and its 2030 ambition to achieve a 40% female workforce. Other pledges, such as introducing an Offshore Energy Passport to facilitate work across offshore sectors and driving a greater focus on jobs and skills for young people, will cement offshore wind at the centre of the UK’s energy system, bringing jobs, investment and export opportunities to regions across the UK.
The government’s objective to reduce project costs in the 2020s will materialise if there is a sufficiently high and stable volume of projects in the coming decade. This requires building on the government’s commitment to hold auctions every two years and further clarifying the process, volume and exact timings of auctions as soon as possible so that the industry is clear about the opportunity ahead.”