Green Policy Snapshot outlines the policy interventions required to deliver green growth


  • With the government reaching 100 days in office, the Aldersgate Group launches a new interactive publication exploring current progress on climate and environmental policy.
  • The Green Policy Snapshot assesses the current state of the UK’s policy framework for delivering emissions reductions and nature restoration, drawing on the expertise of the Aldersgate Group’s cross-economy membership to set out recommendations that can accelerate progress and crowd in private investment.
  • It provides a business perspective on the key issues slowing progress, advocating for measures that can deliver climate and environmental policy that drives economic growth.

The Aldersgate Group, an alliance of leaders from business, politics, civil society and academia, has today launched its latest assessment of the UK’s progress towards delivering emissions reductions, nature restoration, and green growth.

The Green Policy Snapshot takes a cross-sectoral view of the UK economy and outlines the crucial next steps required from government to deliver on its environmental commitments while maximising economic and social benefits. The new publication follows the welcome announcement this week of the government’s Modern Industrial Strategy and the International Investment Summit.

Drawing on the extensive expertise of the Aldersgate Group’s membership organisations, the Snapshot provides insights into the policy and regulatory barriers that are still slowing investment in the UK economy. It finds that strong progress has been made so far by the government, but in areas including energy, industry, green finance and skills there remain significant areas for improvement that must be overcome to secure green growth.

Click here to view the full document and its recommendations.

Rachel Solomon Williams, Executive Director, Aldersgate Group, said: “A robust and deliverable climate and environmental policy programme will be a critical factor in the government achieving its growth mission for the country. With the Labour government having passed 100 days in office, there’s no denying that welcome progress has been made, from lifting the ban on onshore wind to the announcement of a new industrial strategy. However, there remain significant policy gaps that Sir Keir Starmer’s government must tackle to drive down emissions and restore nature, while creating jobs and crowding in private investment. This publication harnesses the unique expertise of our membership, setting out clear priority actions that can deliver the necessary step change in delivery.”