PRESS RELEASES | 24/12/2020
Future collaboration will help UK and EU deliver shared environmental and climate goals

Reacting to the news that an agreement had been reached on a trade deal between the UK and EU, Nick Molho, Executive Director at the Aldersgate Group, said: “In the current challenging economic context, the agreement of a deal between the EU and UK is welcome and will provide a degree of clarity to businesses in the UK and Europe. The UK and the EU are both aiming to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and overturn the major declines in biodiversity and the state of the natural environment. Businesses will want to see both parties continue to innovate and work together to meet these goals, grow low carbon trade and build global political momentum on climate and environmental issues. We would encourage both parties to use the upcoming COP26 climate summit to put this collaborative approach into practice.”
Nick Molho added: “Beyond today’s deal with the EU, it is essential that the UK’s trade agreements with the rest of the world are consistent with its net zero emissions and other environmental targets. This should include promoting high standards on the environment and climate change, reducing barriers for trade in low carbon goods and services, and protecting the UK’s future right to regulate on environmental and climate change policy issues.”[1]