REPORTS & BRIEFINGS | 11/09/2018
Driving ambition: accelerating the transition to zero emission vehicles

Plan now for the future by taking a systemic approach to decarbonising transport
Coinciding with the government’s Zero Emission Vehicle Summit on 11 September, this briefing sets out the major barriers to decarbonising UK road transport and considers what further support is needed from government to ensure UK businesses are best placed to accelerate the transition to zero emission vehicles (ZEVs).
This briefing first summarises the current policy landscape, before setting out our recommendations on how government can increase demand for cleaner vehicles through fiscal incentives, by tackling the limited supply and choice of EVs on the market, providing clarity on the future emission regulation regime in the UK after Brexit to drive the market, and accelerating the roll-out of charging infrastructure. Finally, it highlights some major issues that government must consider in light of rapid technological innovation to support a sustainable transport system fit for the future.