PRESS RELEASES | 11/03/2020
Budget 2020: A greener budget than its predecessors but more coherent approach needed

Reacting to the Budget statement presented to Parliament by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, Nick Molho, Executive Director of the Aldersgate Group said: “Today’s budget announcement devoted more time to the environment and climate change than many of its predecessors. It contained some welcome announcements on nature, urban transport, the move towards electric vehicles and a much-needed scaling up of innovation support for industrial decarbonisation and carbon capture storage. The multi-year funding support for eight mayoral combined authorities and investment in the Cities Transformation Fund is particularly welcome as local bodies are best placed to deliver improvements in public transport that will help reduce car journeys.[1]”
Nick Molho added: “Many gaps still remain to put the UK on track for net zero emissions, such as improving the energy efficiency of the building stock, developing an integrated low carbon transport strategy in line with the lessons from the recent Heathrow ruling, and creating a national low carbon skills strategy to support the workforce. To close these gaps, ensure policy coherence and put the UK credibly on track for its target, the government should build on today’s announcements and publish a net zero delivery plan well ahead of COP26.”
Nick Molho concluded: “The Chancellor’s announcement on nature restoration is welcome but should be complemented by strengthening the target setting process in the Environment Bill, which has a key role to play in delivering meaningful and long-term environmental improvements, improving the UK’s resilience to climate change and providing cost-effective negative emissions.”