REPORTS & BRIEFINGS | 07/05/2014
An Economy That Works: Strong Today, Great Tomorrow
How we can make the transition to an economy that delivers prosperity, competitiveness and sustainability for British companies and citizens, now and in the future.
The ultimate aim of An Economy that Works is to help the UK succeed, both now and in the long term.
By ‘succeed’ we mean to develop an economy that is smart, low carbon and resource efficient. We believe there is no credible alternative in today’s carbon and resource constrained world.
What makes this initiative unique is its systemic approach. Addressing employment issues while ignoring wellbeing problems, or reducing our carbon footprint while not providing opportunities for everyone to share economic benefits will only compound the challenges we face. We need comprehensive solutions. By tackling economic, social and environmental challenges in a holistic way, An Economy That Works offers a positive vision for the future of Britain as well as practical ideas to turn this vision into reality.